Your donation will help support the next generation of ocean leaders.
Every year, many of tomorrow's leaders participate in the California Sea Grant State Fellowship Program. The program provides an opportunity for highly qualified graduate students and recent graduates to acquire “on the job” experience at a host agency in California involved with marine policy, environmental quality and resource management. The fellowship program provides a unique educational and training opportunity for a young scientist to apply modern scientific knowledge to the solution of problems related to human impacts on the coast and coastal ecosystems. Each fellow receives a modest monthly stipend during the year-long placement.
Your generous donation will help support the education and training of California’s future ocean scientists and policy experts. Please click on the large "Give Now" button to initiate your donation, and thank you.
If you have questions about the State Fellowship program and how our "giving campaign" works to help support it, please direct them to California Sea Grant's Director at or (858)-534-4440