Looking for an annual report? Contact the CA Sea Grant communications team at casgcomms@ucsd.edu
Research Projects
Project Number | Title | Focus Area | Start/End Date |
Principal Investigators: Brian Wells
Co-principal Investigators: Dave Hankin, Louis Botsford
Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture | 2010-02 to 2015-01 |
R/ANS-212 |
Principal Investigators: Tom Dudley
Co-principal Investigators: Ryan Hechinger, Armand Kuris
Healthy Coastal Ecosystems | 2010-02 to 2011-01 |
R/FISH-209 |
Principal Investigators: Paul Dayton
Co-principal Investigators: Stephen Schroeter, Ed Parnell
Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture | 2010-02 to 2014-01 |
R/CONT-209 |
Principal Investigators: Anita Leinweber
Co-principal Investigators: Rebecca Shipe
Healthy Coastal Ecosystems | 2010-02 to 2014-04 |
R/OPCENV-09 | Resilient Coastal Communities and Economies | 2009-12 to 2016-03 | |
E/PD-6 |
Principal Investigators: D. Patrick Kilduff
Co-principal Investigators: None
Education, Training and Public Information | 2009-06 to 2012-05 |