California Ocean Science Trust (OST)
Kevin Travis
Kevin Travis earned a master's degree in biology from California State University, Long Beach in 2020. -
Perspectives from working in a boundary organization
Before becoming a California Sea Grant State fellow, I had often heard the phrases “at the interface of science and policy” and “within the science-policy nexus”. -
Melissa Abderrahim
Melissa Abderrahim earned a master's degree in applied marine and watershed sciences at California State University Monterey Bay in 2019. -
Sarah Henkel
Sarah Henkel, received her doctorate from UC Santa Barbara in which she studied the invasive kelp Undaria pinnatifida for her thesis and was dubbed Weed Queen by her lab-mates for her enth -
Liz (Rogers) Exell
Liz Rogers holds a master’s in international environmental policy from the Monterey Institute of International Studies. -
Aaron McGregor
Aaron McGregor received his master’s in urban planning with a specialization on environmental analysis and policy from UCLA. -
Hayley Zemel
Hayley Zemel earned her masters in biology from California State Long Beach in 2013 with a focus in ecotoxicology. -
Hayley Carter
Hayley Carter earned a master’s degree in marine biology from San Francisco State University in 2012 for her studies of ocean acidification's effects on early crustacean development. -
Eve Robinson
Eve Robinson earned her doctorate in integrative biology from the University of California, Berkeley in 2013. Her research examined how waves impact planktonic predator-prey interactions. -
Melissa Kent
Melissa Kent received a Master of Arts in geography with a concentration in resource management and environmental planning from San Francisco State University in 2017.