California Sea Grant launches sandy beach ecosystem microsite for land use planners, managers and beachgoers

February 26, 2014
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California Sea Grant unveiled a new microsite for land use planners, beach managers, and anyone who enjoys the beach. Available on the California Sea Grant Extension website, the pages have been designed as a resource for coastal decision makers and other ocean lovers to learn about sandy beach ecosystems. The website address is

In addition to introducing organisms that call the beach home and explaining important beach functions, the webpages explore a broad reach of topics including coastal armoring, beach grooming and climate change impacts.

The webpages are a tool for local city planners, land managers and other community stakeholders to learn how to protect beach health. The microsite focuses on challenges associated with the changing coastal ecosystems by providing case studies, interactive diagrams and advice from experts.

“We are pleased to offer this fun, informative tool to the community. Sandy beaches are a fascinating, dynamic ecosystem. This microsite is a neutral source of information that offers techniques to balance competing interests. We hope it helps Southern Californians enjoy a healthy beach environment,” said Monique Myers, California Sea Grant extension specialist.

About California Sea Grant

NOAA’s California Sea Grant College Program funds marine research, education and outreach throughout California. Headquartered at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego, California Sea Grant is one of 34 Sea Grant programs in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce.