Historically, spring-run and fall-run Chinook salmon have been considered as separate subspecies, races, ecotypes, or even as separate species of fish.
November 16, 2020
November 04, 2020Research funded by California Sea Grant sheds new light on the life histories and population statuses of three little-studied skate species.
October 19, 2020A team of researchers studies how marine protected areas affect state water fisheries.
October 07, 2020Red abalone mothers from California’s North Coast give their offspring an energy boost when they’re born that helps them better withstand ocean acidification compared to their captive, farmed count
October 06, 2020California Sea Grant and the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) are pleased to welcome Dr.
September 21, 2020Computer modeling seeks to improve the sustainability of California's swordfish fishery, by forecasting the probability of cetacean bycatch.