Looking for an annual report? Contact the CA Sea Grant communications team at casgcomms@ucsd.edu
Research Projects
Project Number | Title | Focus Area | Start/End Date |
Principal Investigators: Cheryl A. Logan
Healthy Coastal Ecosystems, Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture | 2022-04 to 2025-03 |
Principal Investigators: Eric Bjorkstedt, Jeffrey Abell
Co-principal Investigators: Tamara Barriquand, Alex Harper
Education, Training and Public Information, Healthy Coastal Ecosystems, Resilient Coastal Communities and Economies, Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture | 2022-04 to 2025-03 |
Principal Investigators: Alex R. Harper
Co-principal Investigators: Henry Ruhl , Robert Bochenek , Clarissa Anderson, Erin Satterthwaite, Faycal Kessouri, Jan Newton, Roxanne Carini
Education, Training and Public Information | 2022-04 to 2025-03 |
R/HCE-29F |
Principal Investigators: Julia Cheresh
Co-principal Investigators: Jerome Fiechter
Education, Training and Public Information, Healthy Coastal Ecosystems | 2022-02 to 2024-01 |
R/HCE-30F |
Principal Investigators: Rachael Ryan
Co-principal Investigators: Stephanie Carlson
Healthy Coastal Ecosystems | 2022-02 to 2024-01 |
R/SFA-13F |
Principal Investigators: James Jacobs
Co-principal Investigators: Adina Paytan
Resilient Coastal Communities and Economies | 2022-02 to 2024-01 |