Bethany Baibak

2013 State Fellow
University Affiliation: Humboldt State University (Humboldt State)
Current Affiliation: California Department of Water Resources

Bethany Baibak earned her master’s degree from Humboldt State University in the spring of 2013 for her research on population genetics of eelgrass in Humboldt Bay. Since 2010, she has held positions as a wildlife biologist at National Council on Air and Stream Improvement in Arcata and as a wildlife technician at Stanislaus National Forest in Groveland, Ca. She has several years experience teaching biology and botany.

As a State Fellow, she worked closely with California Department of Parks and Recreation's Division Chief, headquarters staff and field technicians on natural resource management. A major focus of her fellowship was to develop strategies and policies to protect coastal parks from sea level rise and other climate-related impacts.

Bethany Baibak earned her master’s degree from Humboldt State University in the spring of 2013 for her research on population genetics of eelgrass in Humboldt Bay. Since 2010, she has held positions as a wildlife biologist at National Council on Air and Stream Improvement in Arcata and as a wildlife technician at Stanislaus National Forest in Groveland, Ca. She has several years experience teaching biology and botany.

As a State Fellow, she worked closely with California Department of Parks and Recreation's Division Chief, headquarters staff and field technicians on natural resource management. A major focus of her fellowship was to develop strategies and policies to protect coastal parks from sea level rise and other climate-related impacts.

2013 State Fellow
Current Affiliation: 
California Department of Water Resources