Heather Dennis

Heather Dennis, State Fellow 2016
University Affiliation: Bren School of Environmental Science & Management at UC Santa Barbara
Current Affiliation: SF BCDC

Heather Dennis earned a Master of Environmental Science and Management specializing in coastal marine resource management and conservation planning from the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management at University of California, Santa Barbara, in 2015. Upon graduation, Dennis worked at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, researching the impact of climate change on global fisheries benefits.

During her fellowship with the State Coastal Conservancy, Dennis helped coordinate wetland restoration projects throughout Southern California and collaborated with scientists, professionals, and stakeholders to implement on-the-ground coastal conservation, restoration, and protection.

Heather Dennis earned a Master of Environmental Science and Management specializing in coastal marine resource management and conservation planning from the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management at University of California, Santa Barbara, in 2015. Upon graduation, Dennis worked at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, researching the impact of climate change on global fisheries benefits.

During her fellowship with the State Coastal Conservancy, Dennis helped coordinate wetland restoration projects throughout Southern California and collaborated with scientists, professionals, and stakeholders to implement on-the-ground coastal conservation, restoration, and protection.

Heather Dennis, State Fellow 2016
Current Affiliation: