The goal of this project is to collect Essential Fishery Information from sport-caught California halibut (Paralichthys californicus). This data will contribute to improved sex-specific growth curves for the species and will aid in estimating sex-specific gear selectivity. The team will work directly with recreational fishermen and will charter a commercial passenger fishing vessel to gather additional data. Using a newly-developed, non-lethal method for determining the gender of a landed halibut, collaborators will also measure and weigh sub-legal fish. Legal-sized fish will also be measured and their otoliths (bone-like ear structures) will be collected to estimate their ages. Building on this work, the team plans to develop a citizen-science program using a web-based reporting platform for Santa Monica Bay and eventually throughout the species’ range in California.
Crowd Sourcing Essential Fishery Information for California halibut
Principal Investigators
Santa Monica Bay Restoration Foundation
Co-principal Investigators
California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW)
Marina Del Rey Anglers