Building Climate Resilience of Urban Waters, Ecosystems, and Communities

Theresa S. Talley, Nina Venuti, and Charles Adams


Climate change preparation should include water quality improvement and conservation measures, particularly in urban ecosystems. The project site, Manzanita Canyon, is located in the heart of a “disadvantaged” community in San Diego, California. In urban watersheds such as this, ecosystems provide services disproportionate to their size, yet are also highly vulnerable to climate change hazards because of the heavy reliance on services and the relatively degraded state. This two-year project improved water quality and climate resilience of an urban ecosystem and an underserved community by engaging 2,253 community members in stewardship activities; restoring 7.56 acres of native coastal scrub ecosystem, including planting, maintaining and monitoring 1,536 natives; and removing 22 metric tons (758 m3 ) of invasive plants and trash.

Project Webpage: Building Climate Resilience of Urban Waters, Ecosystems, and Communities