California Sea Grant Strategic Plan 2018-21

CA Sea Grant

California Sea Grant serves the communities, industries, and people of California.

By identifying important and emerging coastal and marine issues and supporting research, extension, and outreach efforts on these issues, we strive to provide better natural and social scientific information to promote the sustainable use of coastal and marine resources.

CASG aligns its strategic foci with those of the National Sea Grant College Program (NSGCP) to develop programmatic areas for investment. CASG also partners with several key state agencies in California to support basic and applied research and workforce development programs with direct state relevance. From its headquarters at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, CASG annually funds more than 75 research and outreach projects at public and private institutions
throughout the state and nation.

The Strategic Plan highlights our vision, mission, goals, investment arenas, and approach in light of the position of CASG within the nation and the state of California. It identifies key partners, audiences, stakeholders, and constituents who were consulted in producing this plan.

Publication Number: CASG-17-004 03-17



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