California's North Coast Fishing Communities: Historical Perspective and Recent Trends

C. Pomeroy, C. Thomson and M. Stevens

California's fisheries have long played an important role in the state’s economy and coastal communities, providing livelihood, recreation and subsistence opportunities for fishermen and women, and healthful and fresh products to seafood consumers locally and globally. Over the last 30 years, fishery participants, their families, and the diverse shoreside businesses that support and depend on fisheries have been confronted by many challenges including dramatic changes in fisheries management, increased competition in the global marketplace, aging infrastructure, and increased demands for marine and waterfront space. California Sea Grant Extension Advisor Carrie Pomeroy conducts social science research, education and outreach to address information needs related to fisheries and fishing communities in the state. The goal of her work is to provide sound social scientific information to support effective resource management and vibrant fishing communities.

Publication Number: T-072a–f 
Authors: C. Pomoroy, C. Thomson and M. Stevens 
Product Type: PDFs
Language: English
Copyright Date: 2010 
Online Version: 2011 
