Marine Algae and Seagrasses of San Diego County

This checklist is intended to provide both a means of recognizing and naming algae (approximately 360 taxa) found along the coast of San Diego County, and to suggest where and when individual taxa can be found. To make it useful generally to field biologists without specialized training in phycology, the descriptions depend mostly on features that can be observed inthe field with little or no magnification. This book modifies andsupplements the more complete information found in "Marine Algae of California" (Abbott and Hollenberg, 1976). Information about size, variation in morphology, and local habitats given for each taxon refers to San Diego County specimens when these are different from plants elsewhere in California. Illustrations show species or forms that are distinctive in San Diego habitats. Taxa are arranged by families, genera alphabetically under each family, and species are listed alphabetically within genera. Selected references, mostly nomenclatural revisons published since 1976, are cited.

Publication Number: T-020
Author: Joan G. Stewart, Joan G.
Product Type: Paperback
Language: English
Copyright Date: 1991
Length: 197pp.