Taxonomy of Economic Seaweeds, Volume VIII

Isabella A. Abbott

An international group of taxonomists representing the United States, Japan, China, Thailand, Chile, and Vietnam describe the results of a 1999 workshop on the taxonomy of the groups Sargassum, Gelidiales, Gracilariales, Kappaphycus/Eucheuma, and Halymenia. This book, the eighth in a series, contains a special section on the marine algae of Vietnam. The California Sea Grant College Program, in cooperation with the University of Hawaii Sea Grant College Program, sponsored the workshop. It was organized and hosted by the Oceanographic Institute in Nha Trang, Vietnam. The rationale behind the first workshop in 1984 was that progress in seaweed aquaculture and marine natural products chemistry would require a better understanding of commercially interesting species. In these times of accelerated loss of habitat and biodiversity, the series of workshops have had the added benefit of providing lasting records of many species, including drawings and photos. They have also provided a forum at which algal specialists could work together on common regional and international problems. 

Publication Number: T-048
Editor: Isabella A. Abbott; 
Co-Editor: Karla McDermid 
Product Type: Paperback
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1-888691-07-7
Copyright Date: 2002
Length: 332pp.

Out of print.

PDF available from the National Sea Grant Library