Trends in Fisheries and Fishery Resources

book cover
Rick Starr, Jason M. Cope and Lisa A. Kerr

Fisheries in Central California are part of this region's rich cultural and economic history. In the last decade, however, catches of many fishery resources have greatly declined, due both to real decreases in fish populations and to increased regulations enacted to prevent depletion of fish stocks. This book summarizes, for a general audience, the technical concepts andinformation that fishery scientists use to estimte the population sizes of harvested species. In addition to summarizing scientific information, a brief description is also provided of the types of fisheries operating in the region encompassed by the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS), and a summary of fishery management operations from 1981 to 2000.

Publication Number: T-046
Author: Rick Starr, Jason M. Cope and Lisa A. Kerr 
Product Type: Paperback
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1-888691-09-3
ISBN-13: 978-1-888691-09-2
Copyright Date: 2002
Length: 156pp.

Out of print

No longer available for purchase. To borrow a copy please contact the National Sea Grant Library.