Russian River Native Fish

The Russian River and its tributary streams currently support three native species of salmonids and several other native fishes that contribute to the natural diversity, health and balance of our watershed ecosystem. The list below does not include natives that occured historically but have since been extirpated from the basin. Click on the images below for more information about each species.

Native salmonids

Coho salmon

Chinook salmon

Steelhead trout

Native non-salmonids

*Species profiles coming soon

  • California roach
  • Hardhead
  • Hitch
  • Pacific lamprey
  • River lamprey
  • Sacramento pikeminnow
  • Sacramento sucker
  • Sacramento blackfish
  • Sculpin species
  • Three-spined stickleback
  • Tule perch
  • Western brook lamprey

See the UC Davis California Fish website for more CA fish species