California Sea Grant State Fellowship Host Information

Call for Host Applications

Host Office FAQs

Why host a fellow?

Fellows are more than students or interns. They are graduating students or recent graduates with PhDs, Masters, and JDs that focus on marine- or aquatic-related fields. Fellows are selected to participate in the program based on a combination of academic record, statement of career goals, recommendations and endorsements, and relevant experience. They are capable of working alongside state and federal partners, and excited to learn about the process of policy-making.

The fellowship program serves to both increase the capacity of ocean and coastal management agencies in California with highly motivated and talented graduate students, and facilitate the training and development of the next generation of ocean and coastal leaders.

Who can host a fellow?

The California Sea Grant State Fellowship program is open for participation by municipal, state and federal agencies in California with mandates in coastal or marine research, policy or management.

How does a Host apply to the CASG State Fellowship Program?

Submission of a completed application is due each Spring. For more information, see Call for Host Applications

If a Host is successful in getting a Fellow, when does the fellowship begin?

The fellowship, for this year’s competition, will begin in the winter (January to March), and the start date is negotiable between an individual host and fellow.