Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture
Using energetics and metabolism to enhance Olympia oyster aquaculture and outplanting success
Olympia oysters (Ostrea lurida) are the only native oyster species along the California coastline. -
Quantifying volatile bromocarbon emissions from seaweed aquaculture in California
The seaweed aquaculture industry is a growing area in California, and there is particular interest in the development of seaweed aquaculture for use in livestock feed, as incorporation of seaweed i -
Strengthening sustainability in an acidified ocean: does the co-culture of seaweeds and shellfish improve shell integrity in farmed red abalone?
Abalone harvesting and consumption have a long history in California, but recreational and commercial fisheries have been forced to close due to overfishing, habitat destruction, harmful algal bloo -
California Sea Grant Strategic Plan, 2018-2023
California Sea Grant serves the communities, industries, and people of California. -
Alumni profile: From Knauss fellowship to fisheries management
Jet-setters of the high seas, swordfish roam thousands of miles across the open ocean. They may cross dozens of international boundaries, of which they remain entirely unaware. -
MPA update: Sport anglers reel in fisheries data
Over the last two decades, California created a unique network of marine protected areas across the state with the intention of cultivating healthy ocean ecosystems. -
State of the skates: An investigation into three of California’s skate species
Research funded by California Sea Grant sheds new light on the life histories and population statuses of three little-studied skate species. -
Study identifies traits of climate-resilient red abalone
Red abalone mothers from California’s North Coast give their offspring an energy boost when they’re born that helps them better withstand ocean acidification compared to their captive, farmed count -
California Sea Grant welcomes new CalCOFI coordinator
California Sea Grant and the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) are pleased to welcome Dr.