National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Developing tools for monitoring the impact of climate change on captive abalone reproduction and digestion
Understanding of basic abalone physiology and biology is necessary as climate change impacts aquaculture. -
Improving Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture system design for the co-culture of seaweeds and abalone to mitigate the effects of climate change
Increased ocean acidification in the coastal zone of upwelling systems threatens abalone shell production and growth of -
The future of a vulnerable fishery: Can red urchins adapt to marine heatwaves?
Distributed from Baja California to Alaska, the red sea urchin (Mesocentrotus franciscanus) is both ecologically and commercially important. -
Quantifying sea level rise effects on critical coastal wastewater and transit infrastructure in two low-income, residential developments at the San Francisco Bay, California shoreline using hydrogeology and geochemistry measurements
Sea level rise (SLR) vulnerability analysis of critical wastewater and transit infrastructure requires data collection over timescales and geographic ranges that are small enough for planning and m -
Do wildfires place imperiled salmonid populations at risk of metabolic meltdown?
There is growing recognition that at-risk salmonid populations in coastal California are becoming increasingly vulnerabl -
Anthropogenic impacts on leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata) ecology with novel applications of stable isotope analysis
The Francisco Estuary (SFE) is an important nursery habitat for leopard sharks (Triakis semifasciata), whose population has experienced an extreme decline in recent years. -
Development and application of new amino acid isotope proxies to reconstruct California phytoplankton community composition change with shifting climate
In coastal California, climate variability and change regulate the composition of marine phytoplankton communities.