National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Using transgenerational plasticity as an adaptation measure for ocean acidification impacts to abalone aquaculture
Following the dramatic decline of red abalone over the last 60 years, aquaculture has paved the way for restoration efforts and commercial opportunities. -
Assessing brood stock fitness of Ceratonova shasta infected Chinook salmon’s (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha) survivability during lab simulated Klamath River outmigration
Chinook salmon populations have been in steady decline due to several factors, including warming water, damming, and the spread of disease. -
Water for coho salmon and communities: Mitigating climate change impacts on coastal streams
Endangered coho salmon populations, which already faced hardships during dry seasons, are now faced with more looming danger due to climate change and human water use. -
Not so shellfish after all: How native oysters (Ostrea lurida) may aid eelgrass (Zostera marina) restoration by nitrogen filtration
Eelgrass populations have been declining on a global scale, faster even than the rate of tropical rainforest deforestation. -
Returning spring-run Chinook salmon to the upper Klamath River post-dam removal
Chinook salmon in the Klamath River have significant economic and cultural importance to the region. -
Vegetative Propagation of Pyropia to Advance the West Coast Nori Industry
The global production and harvest of seaweeds is now a $7 billion-dollar industry and is expected to grow to $22.1 billion dollars by 2024. -
Converting under-utilized microalgal co-product into value-added ingredient for cost-viable, fish-free aquafeed for rainbow trout
With growing demand for farmed fish as a more sustainable source of protein for the planet, there is increasing attention to the sustainability of feed used in aquaculture production. -
Developing triploid mussel larvae for farming
Blue mussels are one of the major aquaculture crops around the world and in the US, and about 80% of mussels consumed are grown through aquaculture. Mussels are typically harvested when their gonad -
Improving the siting and practices of offshore finfish farms in the Southern California Bight by incorporating historical and modern data from islands near existing fish pens
Despite strong interests in developing offshore finfish aquaculture in California, no offshore farms exist. -
Laminaria farlowii, a new species for sustainable aquaculture in California: nursery methods, climate change resilience and preliminary market assessment with outreach through the California Seaweed Fair
Seaweed aquaculture is a growing industry in the United States and worldwide.