National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Social and Economic Effects of ITQs on the West Coast Groundfish Fishery: Solving the Weak Stock/Bycatch Problem
In 2011, the Pacific Fisheries Management Council and NOAA Fisheries established a West Coast groundfish catch-shares program to help rebuild vulnerable stocks within the complex of groundfish spec -
Social Constraints and Solutions for Progressive Development of the Nation’s Offshore Aquaculture Industry
This project seeks to identify and analyze the social obstacles (constraints) to developing a domestic offshore aquaculture industry. -
Determination of Boreal and Subtropical Zooplankton Energetic Quality in the Northern California Current and Its Implications for Higher Trophic Level Feeding Dynamics
Within the Northern California Current, a transition occurs in the zooplankton community structure, as subtropical zooplankton species common off California are replaced by boreal ones typical to O -
Scale Insects: Emergent Threats to Salt Marsh Restoration
Who is eating the marsh grass? -
Impact of 4-nonylphenol on Immunocompetence and Disease Susceptibility in Pacific Oysters, Crassostrea gigas
Nonlyphenol ethoxylates are industrial compounds (often surfactants) used as detergents, emulsifiers and foaming agents in a long list of household products including toilet paper, plastics, pest s -
Noroviruses in Coastal Waters: Implications for Seafood Cultivation and Human Health
If you've had stomach flu or food poisoning, there is a good chance you've had a norovirus infection. -
Is C/N Decoupling Caused by Harmful Algal Blooms in Santa Monica Bay?
It is well known that nutrients in lawn and crop fertilizers, washed into the ocean by rivers, rain and runoff, can trigger some marine algal blooms. -
Effects of Ocean Acidification on Olfactory Senses, Swimming Physiology, and Gene Expression in Juvenile Rockfish
This project examines effects of ocean acidification (as simulated by elevating pCO2 levels) on swimming physiology, behavior and gene expression patterns of early post-settlement rockfishes found -
Response of Calcified and Fleshy Macroalgae to Warming and Ocean Acidification: From Single Species to Community Interactions
Though researchers generally expect terrestrial plants to grow larger with rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, it is more difficult to predict how marine algae, kelp, and seaweeds may respond -
Molecular Identification of Fish Eggs and Larvae: Enhancing the Value of Icthyoplankton Surveys in Monitoring and Management
Many species of fish eggs are spherical, transparent, about the same size and hence visually (“morphologically”) difficult, if not impossible, to correctly identify.