California Ocean Protection Council (OPC)

  • Karen Kayfetz
    Karen Kayfetz will earn a master’s degree in marine biology from the Romberg Tiburon Center at San Francisco State University in the spring of 2014.
  • Nick Sadrpour
    Nick Sadrpour earned a Master of Science in coastal and watershed science and policy from California State University, Monterey Bay in 2014.
  • Morgan Ivens-Duran
    Morgan Ivens-Duran earned a Master of Science in biological sciences from California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo in 2014.
  • Tova Handelman
    Tova Handelman earned a master’s degree in coastal and marine resources management with a focus on strategic environmental communication and media from the Bren School of Environmental Science &amp
  • Sara Briley
    Sara Briley earned a Master of Science in biology from California State University, Fullerton, in 2015.
  • Sara Worden
    Sara Worden earned a Master of Marine Science from Moss Landing Marine Laboratories in 2015.
  • Paige Berube
    Paige Berube earned a master’s degree in coastal and marine resources management with a focus in strategic environmental communication and media from the Bren School of Environmental Science and Ma
  • Michael Esgro
    Michael Esgro graduated from California State University, Monterey Bay, with a master’s degree in applied marine and watershed science in 2016.
  • Allison Kellum: Resilience building through relationship building
    I was running on fumes, some combination of coffee buzz and adrenaline, when I took my seat at the opening session of a conference called
  • Whitney Berry
    Whitney Berry earned a master’s degree in international environmental policy, with a concentration in ocean and coastal resource management, from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies i


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