Gonadal Gene Expression to Characterize Responses of Longjaw Mudsucker to Contaminated Environments

Start/End: September, 2010 to August, 2012

The California Natural Resources Agency, in partnership with the EPA, is actively looking to assess wetland health through its California Coastal Wetlands Monitoring Venture. This project’s contribution is examining the toxicity of complex contaminant mixtures commonly discharged into coastal ecosystems (e.g., municipal effluent that contains pharmaceutical residues, personal care products and industrial chemicals). To do this, scientists are investigating whether gene expression patterns in gonadal fish tissue can be used to detect and assess the subtle, initial effects of endocrine disruptors on marine life. In the next few months, researchers will be completing an analysis of gene expression patterns and interpreting the data.

  • Principal Investigators

    University of California, Berkeley

Co-principal Investigators