Reports and Data

people tidepooling in la jolla


MPA baseline monitoring data

Data collected for MPA Monitoring Program baseline monitoring is available on the OPC Open Data Portal.

Marine spatial data

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife offers an interactive map for referencing relevant marine resource planning data: MarineBIOS. This tool, which is built on the latest version of BIOS, is a great place for looking up the boundaries and regulations of marine protected areas or investigating the attributes of benthic and intertidal habitat information.

Ocean observing system data

The Integrated Ocean Observing Systems (IOOS) provides a variety of ocean data of relevance to MPA monitoring. Southern California OOS (SCOOS) and (CenCOOS) are collaborating on a long-term monitoring project to incorporate  satellite data and other ocean observing systems to develop regularly updating data products, allowing them to quantify relationships between large-scale oceanographic phenomena and conditions inside MPAs. 


Baseline Monitoring reports

Management plans and action plans: Visit the California Department of Fish and Wildlife website.