Aquatic Invasive Species Eradication & Control
Taking Action Against Aquatic Invasive Species
Welcome to the Aquatic Invasive Species Eradication and Control website. This site is intended to assist lake managers and collaborating groups in preparing and implementing eradication and control tactics for aquatic invasive species.
While much of the information is focused upon quagga and zebra mussels, it also is broadly applicable to many types of aquatic pests including fresh water, brackish water and salt water species. The invasive fresh water mussels serve as a model to illustrate the general concepts and specific steps required for taking action against aquatic invasive species.
Available Educational Materials
Two complementary sets of educational materials are now available for your use:
- Early Detection Monitoring Manual for Quagga and Zebra Mussels, CASGEP and UC Cooperative Extension: Carolynn S. Culver, Ph.D., Sabrina L. Drill, Ph.D., Monique R. Myers, D.Env, Valerie T. Borel. Publication No. T-069
- Eradication & Control Information Sheets. Sheets that provide detailed information on aspects of implementing various eradication and control tactics including equipment and staffing needs; permit requirements; and other issues to consider when determining the feasibility of certain tactics for eradicating or controlling aquatic invasive species.
These educational materials were produced through a collaborative effort. We hope the materials will be useful for reducing the spread and impacts of aquatic invasive species.
Principal Investigators
Scripps Institution of Oceanography at University of California, San Diego