Working in collaboration with UC Cooperative Extension Coastal Resources Advisor Leigh Johnson, SGEP Advisor Carrie Culver is also addressing a primary vector responsible for spreading marine invasive species – boating activity. There is great concern about the spread of invasive species by this vector from harbors to sensitive California island habitats and kelp and rocky reef ecosystems. Culver and Johnson have combined their expertise and information on balancing water quality and invasive species issues when managing hull fouling. A statewide series of workshops arranged in collaboration with several state and federal agencies have been presented to many boating and harbor organizations and the general public. Culver and Johnson also have joined forces with UC researchers Henry Page and Jenifer Dugan to conduct research that will help inform best management practices for hull cleaning and bottom paints/coatings, and raise awareness about the transport of aquatic invasive species via boat hulls.
IPM for Boats: Integrated Pest Management for Hull Fouling in Southern California Coastal Marinas. 2012. C.S. Culver, L.T. Johnson and M.D. Lande